sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009

The challenge

Adisor (my beloved laptop) is about to die. In less than 15 minutes, I will run out of battery and I will not be able to charge it again. It's the second time it's happening sine I came to Lithuania. It sucks! So for the next 20 days (until I will get home) I will no longer have my movies, my pictures, my music, my internet whenever I feel like. Luckily, I saw all the episodes from Grey's Anatomy (the ones that were released so far), so the pain won't be excruciating :P

The good thing is that this morning, when I saw that it stopped charging, I was pretty calm. I mean, I did call mami to let her know about the lack of internet access during the weekend, I cried for 10 minutes, but then I did some plans on how to spend my time from now on. And I think I was pretty good in this. Let's see what will happen...

Good bye, Adisor!

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

My X

My X, so far... The best way to describe it is in bullets:

  • I think the most important lesson I learned is that I am the only one responsible for my experience. My friends kept telling me this over and over again, but it was only 3 days ago I actually realized it. I really hope I will remember this lesson for the rest of my life (if I will forget it, I will come back to this blog and try to remember it).
  • I like what I am doing. Training is amazing. I think I'm getting better and better. I think I start having my own training style. It's harder and harder to compromise and work with Jesse. We have totally different and opposite opinions about education and I think we stopped working as a team. We are 2 individuals that share the same time, space and people. But I'd rather be happy with myself than compromising about something I deeply care about.
  • Sometimes, when you want something from someone, the easiest way to get it is asking for it. I was surprised by the results of this
  • Is lovely to have a roommate with whom you get along 
  • This is not what I expected in terms of people. But the few special persons I met totally worth this experience.
  • I visited my best friend. Amazing weekend! And I started drinking capuccino afterwards (Roxi, I hope we'll meet again for a capuccino in Deli de Luca)
  • I'm surrounded by good music every day :)
  • to be continued...

luni, 16 noiembrie 2009

So what?

So what if I have no idea what I want to do with my life?

Even if what I'm trying right now won't last forever, at 24-25 I will still be young. Even 2,3,4 years from now I will still have the chance to travel and figure out how the world looks like. 

So for now I will just enjoy and experience what I have. I wanted it for so long...

joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

Simply great!

Tonight we were invited to a traditional music and dances show. And since one of the dancers is a friend of ours, we went. It was really, really nice. Lithuanian dances are very energetic and a bit funny. I was really, really amazed to see the old men dancing (they were around 70-80). 

But the really cool part started only after that. We went to a party where everyone was dancing traditional Lithuanian dances. That felt really good! A lot of running, jumping, turning around...

Happy me!

miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2009


I think I'm lucky. I work with a passionate person. I just had a very interesting conversation with Jesse and I could see how passionate he is about Nigeria, about making a difference, about changing things. I really admire him.

And I also had an AHA moment about myself: "I was educated not to care about Africa". I really, really feel that my worldview is extremly narrow. I should definitely do some more research in this field. And not only this. 

Wish me good luck in trying to open my eyes!

joi, 5 noiembrie 2009

It's the small things that matter

It's been a long time since I wanted to write on my blog, but I didn't know exactly what to write. There's not much going on... It's just me, living a simple life. It's all about me appreciating small things. I think this is the most important thing I've learnt here... 

So, this is what makes me happy now:

The train ride. The snow. Chairing next LCM. The breakfast with Sigita, Monika and Brandy. Talking every night with Laura. Having internet. The chocolate cheese bars. The home baked cookies in the school. The bus on the way back to Siauliai. The book I share with Laura. The plum jam. Corn flakes. Ally McBeal. 3% fat yogurt. Golden boy. The house in the middle of the woods. The lake. The top of the cathedral. Tea in office. Tea everywhere. Hot chocolate. Mushroom biscuits. Sunny boy. NatCo. Staying in Vilnius. MC0910 in Latvia. Jesse challenging me every day.

I'm happy I am grateful for what I have. I'm slowly, but surely growing up :)

22 noiembrie

Pe 22 noiembrie sunt alegeri prezidentiale. Urmarind statisticile alegerilor de dupa 90, prezenta la vot a scazut cu aproximativ 20% (de la 73,23% la 55,20%). Cei mai multi nu mai au incredere in politicieni si cred ca nu pot sa schimbe nimic prin prezenta la vot. Daca toti oamenii ar gandi la fel, oare ce s-ar intampla? 

Eu merg sa votez.  Eu cred ca trebuie sa ma fac auzita. Eu cred ca parerea mea conteaza pentru Romania.