vineri, 26 decembrie 2008

A better me :P

I'm home for Christmas. 25th wasn't such a great day and I was really moody all day long. I actually realised why. Because I was wasting my time. When I was in highschool, I used to love that. Even now, when I am in Cluj, I find myself wasting my time and just looking at nothing instead of studying or doing something useful. But something is different now. I'm not sure why nor how, I strted feeling miserable if I waste my time. I don't think I realized how valuable it is, but I just think that I have in my mind the fact that if I ant to reach my objective(s), I really have to stick to a pretty strict schedule. And I like doing it! That's the big change!
So, I think that doing things is the second best Christmas present I received (the best one is still Very Irresistible).

It seems a nice start towards the better me. The second step is being less selfish and it started a few days ago, but let's see how it goes tomorrow and especially the day after tomorrow.

Silvia, not so Grinch mood as yesterday :)

marți, 16 decembrie 2008


Imi trec prin cap ca nebunele. Vin, se intersecteaza, fac accidente, nasc alte ganduri. E nebunia furtunii in mine. Astept ziua de maine sa ma calmez si sa gandesc rational.

joi, 11 decembrie 2008

The passion

I have no idea what I will do in 20 years from now. I don't know where I will be nor with whom. But I do know one thing: I will understand passion.

I am one of the lucky ones that did something they were passionate about. I do know the feelings, the look, the motivation, the way you wake up. I have no idea if in 20 years from now I will be passionate about what I will be doing. What I do know is that I will recognize pasion around me and I will understand and respect it. A lot!

duminică, 7 decembrie 2008

Again bullets?

Ok... So many things happened... So many things and feelings that I would love to talk about... Still, apparently anything I'm writting doeasn't sound the way it should. So I'm just going to use bullets (this comes from working with Adela):

  • I was selected for IPM 2009! I'm so happy! But since it's true I don't know how to enjoy good things, I am only thinking that I have to take exams and I am more satisfied for having passed the selection procedure than for having been accepted in the team (still, I can't wait to get there and meet all my friends and all the other persons in the CC)
  • I started talking again with one of my extremly dear friends and I feel so much better that now we are even and that we have the same close relation we used to have before
  • Marta and Melanie left Cluj; I was sad but still very happy for having met them (can't wait to visit them in Germnay and in Poland)
  • talking to my CC from Brasil! I miss them so much!
  • I had a lovely breakfast with Vladutz and Mo (I realized once again how lucky I am to know people like them)
  • LCC 2008 - I was secretary (I think I'm really good at it) and I had a lot of fun with Mo, I got to know some of teh new members (I feel so much better now), I was there for my friends and for the persons that had the guts to run for EB 2009/2010. I saw them when the results where announced and I was impressed with their reaction. It was so mature and all of them made me proud again. It's a bit weird because at first I didn't want to go (I'm still wandering how it would have been if I were in the EB), but I just couldn't said no when Vlad asked me to come.
  • Reading old emails - I read all the old emails from Ade, Mali, Lore...
  • I did receive a gift from Saint Nick! I saw it on my bed last night when I came back home. I was so surprised and happy!

You know, this week I felt appreciated!

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

Good news!

Dear CC in the new and expanded version!
How are you all?
Well this email is a short-long informative one but also a HUGE WELCOME TO OUR NEW ARRIVALS!!!
Everybody please give a warm round of applause... virtually J to...

Delegate Servicing Team Leader who i will gladly pass on as he knows already a nice handful of work :D
- Joao Alvares – Portugal/Brasil
And his servicing team (we will neDimensiunea fontuluied some team servicing too guys!)
Silvia Patrascu - Romania
Sylvia Cubillo – Costa Rica
Mulugeta Kahsay- Ethiopia
Felipe Cavallini – Costa Rica

Communications Teamster
- Vladimir Vujatovic – Serbia ... who will be working with Olivera, Valerio and our MCVP Communications DORA

Finance Teamsters
- Abhimanyu Choudhary - India
- Luna Ferolla - Brasil
Who are in the GRINFIE (look it up hehehehe its italian) of Our Renata Tonioooooooolu

External Relations Teamster
- Saba Kahsay - Ethiopia
Who is joining the most male dominated but female led team for ER

- Igor Isotov - Macedonia
- Sara Boni Barbosa - Brasil
Who together with Anabella will be riding the Event wave J well also propelling, organising.. logisticising all of it