miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

Good news!

Dear CC in the new and expanded version!
How are you all?
Well this email is a short-long informative one but also a HUGE WELCOME TO OUR NEW ARRIVALS!!!
Everybody please give a warm round of applause... virtually J to...

Delegate Servicing Team Leader who i will gladly pass on as he knows already a nice handful of work :D
- Joao Alvares – Portugal/Brasil
And his servicing team (we will neDimensiunea fontuluied some team servicing too guys!)
Silvia Patrascu - Romania
Sylvia Cubillo – Costa Rica
Mulugeta Kahsay- Ethiopia
Felipe Cavallini – Costa Rica

Communications Teamster
- Vladimir Vujatovic – Serbia ... who will be working with Olivera, Valerio and our MCVP Communications DORA

Finance Teamsters
- Abhimanyu Choudhary - India
- Luna Ferolla - Brasil
Who are in the GRINFIE (look it up hehehehe its italian) of Our Renata Tonioooooooolu

External Relations Teamster
- Saba Kahsay - Ethiopia
Who is joining the most male dominated but female led team for ER

- Igor Isotov - Macedonia
- Sara Boni Barbosa - Brasil
Who together with Anabella will be riding the Event wave J well also propelling, organising.. logisticising all of it

1 comentarii:

Morisoara spunea...

Bravo draga Silvisor!
Ceea ce faci tu este exact ce stiu eu ca inseaman AIESECul. Ce inseamna pentru mine.
te pup si sa porti mandra "Tricoul cu Romania" :)