duminică, 20 iulie 2008

Lazy winter day

I woke up really early. At first, I didn't understand why it was so dark nor why everbody around me was still sleeping. After 2 hours of thinking and being really quiet, my day started. Semi-hot shower, delicious breakfast, a walk in the city.

The city is really small and very crowded. A lot of cars, especially old Beetles, horrible traffic, nice people, a little bit of shopping. And then, the church with the really nice view. I feel like I'm living the Marquez's novels. It's a painful sun, the poverty, the streets... However, the hill from the hotel property reminds me of home (actually, of Rachitele, TRIX, Rox, Lupo, Vladutz).

A light lunch and a lovely dessert (water mellon, pie, peaches) followed by a bath in the swimming pool. Even though the water was really cold, I had fun with Sandra and Anthony. I's a wonderful feeling to be free to do whatever you want. I think that today was my first day of holliday (and the last one because tommorow we start the agenda). I read a little, funny book (Actually, this book is a present for someone, but I couldn't help not reading it) and took a sun bath.

Tonight, we'll go to rodeo. I can't wait!

Oh, I'm in a small city near Sao Paolo (I can't remember the name right now, but we call it Ita)... and it's winter in Brazil :)

P.S: Thanx Dora, Gabelu for the feedback you gave me on the application form!

2 comentarii:

Dora spunea...

Ce tare tu scumpi ca esti acolo!!! Am aflat si eu de ciudatenia de iarna in Brazilia, dar e ok :) poate e mai bine asa ;)

Keep us posted, dar mai ales, bucura-te de every single moment!!!

romeo spunea...

distractie placuta draga...

hugs from Romania