sâmbătă, 26 aprilie 2008

Something that I'm proud of :)

Voiam sa scriu postul asta in engleza... Dar mi-am dat seama ca e prea important pentru mine si ca merita scris in romana (pentru ca dac aimi fac curaj sa zic/spun ceva in romana, atunci chiar cred chestia respectiva).

Am trecut peste! In sfarsit! In sfarsit pot sa ma uit la ei si sa ii admir fara sa imi doresc sa fiu si eu acolo. Sunt mandra de mine (Roxi, dupa cum vezi, nu am scapat de ticul asta) ca am reusit sa trec peste. Mi-a luat mult timp (prea mult dupa standardele orgoliului meu), dar sunt foarte fericita ca acum pot sa fiu alaturi de ei, alaturi de AIESEC fara resentimente, fara sa ma simt in plus, ci pur si simplu pentru ca simt din nou ca locul meu este aici.

O conferinta, un prieten, o experienta ca faci, un vis implinit, un posibil accident de masina, un post pe un blog, un clip, o amintire... Cam asta mi-a trebuit ca sa reusesc. Si chiar daca au fost 3 luni in care m-am indepartat de oameni la care tin si m-am apropiat de altii noi, 3 luni destul de greu de suportat in momentele in care eram doar eu, sunt 3 luni care au trecut.

Si acum pot spune cu mana pe inima ca incepe ceva nou. Nu stiu cu cine, nu stiu unde, nu stiu de ce. Stiu doar cand: ACUM!

Oare o fi o minune de Paste?

luni, 21 aprilie 2008

legume mexicane

Asa sunt eu... Un amestec foarte interesant de gusturi si culori pus intr-un ambalaj relativ stupid si comun, usor de degustat, practic, pe care unii il plac, iar altii nu. Asa sunt eu... Un amestec teribil de pasiune, energie si lene, viata si latenta, rautate si bunavointa.

Sunt cateodata ca un ardei rosu care isi pierde forma si gustul in mediul in care se afla. Sunt cateodata dulce ca un bob de porumb... dar care lasa un gust usor neplacut. Sunt mica si bondoaca precum un bob de mazare.

Sunt un amestec atat de lipsit de unitate si directie. Sunt un amestec care doar tine de foame...

"Who will be travelling to live, work and party in Brazil?

After more than a month of reviewing 200 applications from 46 AIESEC countries, the Core Congress Committee has the pleasure to announce the results of the CC Team Leader and Teamster selection.

Who will be the next generation of CC to deliver a legacy IC?

The lucky AIESEC’ers selected to deliver AIESEC’s 60th International Congress and Global Alumni Congress are:

Delegate Servicing Team

Bruna Sampaio, Brazil/Ireland (Team Leader)

Eliabe Freitas, Brazil (Teamster)
Luna Ferolla, Brazil (Teamster)
Juan Pablo Salazar Arias, Colombia (Teamster)
Emilija Petrovska, Macedonia (Teamster)
Brenda I. Piñero-Carrasquillo, Puerto Rico (Teamster)
Silvia Patrascu, Romania (Teamster)

External Relations Team

Jen Wilson (Team Leader)

Rainbow Cheung , Canada (Teamster)
Ma’andi Mohamed, Egypt (Teamster)

Ninika Dhawan, India (Teamster)
Lieske Verhagen, Netherlands (Teamster)
Taha Durrani, Pakistan (Teamster)
Antonije Radovic, Serbia (Teamster)

Events Team

Kátia Todeschini, Brazil (Team Leader)

Tomás González Olavarría, Chile (Teamster)
Alexandra Boskovicova, Czech (Teamster)
Sandra Theis, Germany/UK (Teamster)

Daniil Petin, Russia (Teamster)
Uros Tomic, Serbia (Teamster)

Zhang Ning, Singapore (Teamster)

Finance Team

Nitesh Rungta, India (Team Leader)

Ana Novais Cunha, Brazil (Teamster)
Zuzana Chrenkova, Slovakia (Teamster)
Joel Carapaica, Venezuela (Teamster)

Information Systems Team

Felix Handler, Germany (Team Leader)

Alexandra Garcia, Colombia (Teamster)
Pablo Furlan, Brazil (Teamster)
Meet Shah, India (Teamster)

Public Relations Team

Rebeca Rocha, Brazil (Teamster)

Transport and Logistics Team

Alex Cabon, France/Brazil (Team Leader)

Willy Campos, Brazil (Teamster)
Larissa Uliana, Brazil (Teamster)

Flavio Rabelo, Brazil (Teamster)
Jessica Patrick, Canada (Teamster)
Dennis Krug, Germany (Teamster)
Claudio Casale, Italy (Teamster)

Ekaterina Kovalchuk, Russia (Teamster)
Ondrej Micuda, Slovakia (Teamster)

Alumni Congress Team

Sandy Lopes, Belgium (Teamster)
Mihir Patel, India (Teamster)

Human Resource Team

Nida Rasheed, Pakistan (Team Leader)

Kana Fujimori, Australia (Teamster)

Conference Managers

Vladimir Vaculik, Slovakia (Teamster)
Soraya Hausl, Austria (Teamster)
Christina Jaeger, Germany (Teamster)

Aidila Razak, Malaysia/Australia (Teamster)"

Again, dreams about IC and Brazil... But this time is a dream came true! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I have one of those moments when I simply shut up (and this happens so rarely:P ) and I let the huge smile on my face to tell everything about me :)

joi, 10 aprilie 2008


I believe in signs...

Again, dreams about IC and Brazil. I think that right now this is my biggest dream. And it scares me... It scares me accepting their decision (from previous AIESEC experiences I realized that I don't like it when the others take decisions concerning my future... decisions that I don't know how I can influence nor accept). I keep dreaming I will be accepted (Ansuca said that what you dream is the opposite of what will happen, but I totally disagree).

And other signs... After a horrible Wednesday morning with black thoughts concerning my future, my career and my failures, things started to get better and better... Maybe because of the REDD'S (I love this "chick beer" as we called it last night) I drunk at the induction meeting we had, maybe because of the fact that I cooked, maybe because I decided not to go to school today, maybe because I realized I was jealous. And the signs continued... I discovered Paganini and I realized I simply adore his music (and I hated violin till now). I received an inspirational ppt about perseverance and never giving up, an application form for Global Village coordinator, my horoscope said new beginnings happen every day.

My first beginning for today: listening to Paganini's violin concerts. C'est magnifique!