duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008

aroganta cu bun simt

some people get to know me. I wonder how they do it...

Test de printese

Tot spuneam ca mi-ar placea sa fiu printesa... Cam asa as fi (se pare)

Domnişoarelor de după
cele de până acum,
inima li-i as de cupă []
decupat dintr-un album
vechi, cu spiriduşi şi zâne
pentru care orice zi e,
prin pădurile păgâne,
un prilej de poezie,
cam dulceagă şi rozé,
ce se deapănă ca vata
cea de zahăr, - până e
feeria noastră gata,
când domniţele suspină...
Şi-şi aşteaptă,-n ceasul dalb,
câte-o tânără despină
Făt-Frumosul, pe cal alb.

miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2008

My strengths

After taking a test, these are my main strengths as a leader...

Your Top Strength

Perspective (wisdom)
Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself.

Your Second Strength

Curiosity and interest in the world
You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

Your Third Strength

Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness
You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a "real" person.

Your Fourth Strength

Kindness and generosity
You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you do not know them well.

Your Fifth Strength

Citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty
You excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of your group.

My world...

I don't know why, but lately I keep thinking about my perfect world. It's so hard for me to accept that there is no such thing as a perfect world, perfect life or perfect people... However, this doesn't stop me from dreaming to those perfect things.

Last night I was heading to a meeting in Chiron and I passed near BCU. I realized that in my dream world, that would be my house. I would love to explore every corner, to feel the sent of every old book, to perceive all the passion that in in all the books and magazines. I was fascinated by this building from the very first time I saw it. But last night, at sunset, when I passed there I felt that that's the place where I should be, that's the place where I belong. I was simply amazed by the life I saw beyond the windows, by the greatness of the building and the empowerment it gave me.

I wish I could live in that perfect world and be the princess from library. You know what's weird? That a few years ago I wanted the same thing... Even though everything changed in my life, with me, I still have the same hidden desires, I still crave for perfection, I still feel outsider in my life.

As childish as it may sound, what I want the most, my biggest dream is to be a princess. And maybe now this is what relaxes me the most. Why a princess? Because princesses from stories or cartoons are almost always perfect...For sure I would be a very spoiled princess... I would receive flowers daily, I would have the most beautiful dresses, I would dance a lot, I would ride, I would read, I would attend official meetings, I would live in my library-castle... I'm wondering if this will ever happen... And again is only me. Why can't I picture the others in my dreams?

I feel I'm a lost princess soul in a hypocrite world...

luni, 21 ianuarie 2008

Think outside the box!

You just bought a brand new sport car (with only 2 seats). You pass through the bus station and there you see: an old lady that is about to die unless somebody takes her to the hospital, the love of your life, your best friend who once saved your life. Who will you choose?

vineri, 11 ianuarie 2008

random thoughts

About joy

Now I'm going through one of those moments when I'm a spectator and I see what happens around me. It would be so simple if I could remain objective, if I could simply see and not judge... but I don't like simple things. I actually like to complicate my life :) And now, looking around me I see joy. All the people I care about are happy. They are nervous, they dream, they want to achieve things, they enjoy life. I actually see this in every look they have, I see it in their words... And I wish I could be just like that.

I like it when I can observe the good things around me. It makes me a bit nostalgic, it makes me feel a bit old and it makes me wonder a lot. Seeing joy around me and not feeling it is one of the most weird feelings in the world. I wish it could be contagious, but it's not. I just hope I will be able to feel just like them in a few days.

I'm looking forward for next week (hopefully it will be better this one or at least without headaches or putting distance between me and others or feelings of loneliness)

invingatori si invinsi. cine suntem noi?

Cand invingatorul comite o greseala, spune: ”Am gresit!“ si invata lectia.
Cand invinsul comite o greseala, spune: “Nu e vina mea!” si arunca vina pe altii.

Un invingator stie ca adversitatea este cel mai bun invatator.
Un invins se simte victima in fata adversitatilor vietii.

Un invingator stie ca rezultatele actiunilor lui depind de el.
Un invins crede in existenta ghinionului.

Un invingator munceste mult, dar isi si creeaza mult timp liber pentru el insusi.
Un invins este o persoana mereu ”foarte ocupata”, care nu are timp nici pentru ai lui.

Un invingator infrunta provocarile una cate una.
Un invins le evita si nu indrazneste sa le infrunte.

Un invingator promite, isi da cuvantul si si-l tine.
Un invins face promisiuni, dar nu da nici o asigurare.

Un invingator spune “Sunt bun, dar voi fi si mai bun!”
Un invins spune: “Nu sunt chiar asa de rau ca multi altii…”

Un invingator asculta, intelege si raspunde.
Un invins doar asteapta pana cand ii vine randul sa vorbeasca.

Un invingator ii respecta pe cei ce stiu mai mult decat el, si incearca sa invete ceva de la ei.
Un invins se impotriveste celor care stiu mai mult decat el si tine seama numai de defectele lor.

Un invingator spune: ”Trebuie sa existe o cale mai buna de a o face…“
Un invins spune: ”Asa am facut-o intotdeauna!”

Un invingator este o parte din solutie.
Un invins este o parte din problema.

Un invingator tine seama de ”cum se vede zidul in intregime”.
Un invins tine seama de ”caramida pe care trebuie sa o puna”.

Un invingator ca tine impartaseste acest mesaj…
Un invins, ca ceilalti, este egoist si il pastreaza numai pentru el insusi…


Something I questioned myself yesterday...
What hurts more? A headache or ego?

joi, 10 ianuarie 2008

10 ianuarie 2008

This is me... I'm supposed to be 20... but I don't feel it.
I know this year is going to be different... I don't know how, but I feel it. Maybe because I will travel a lot, maybe because I will have the results I want, maybe I will fall in love, maybe I will discover a true passion, maybe because something big will happen to me.

So far it was a different day... No birthday cake with fruits and chocolate cream, no presents from my parents, no phone call from my godmother early in the morning... A lot of fun last night with Ade, Ela & Rox, talks about what comes next, I fell in love with Ade's teddy bear :), a great message from Clau...

I want this year to be incredible... I want to be happy, smiley, near the people I care about. I want to make the greatest conference ever (because so far the output of last nights meeting was the thing that made me smile the most and be soooooooooooooooooooo proud that I have them in my team), I want to make my dreams come true, I want to be surprised by the beauty that lies near me...

I was thinking about last 10 years... they were full of play, of dreams and semi-achievements... I want the next 10 years to be full of passion and maturity, I want develop towards that person that one day will do something to make this world a better place.

Today it's day of wishes. I will make it also a day of acting. I promised Roxi I will smile till Sunday... So be it :)

marți, 1 ianuarie 2008

A new year

People usually consider the start of a new year as a beginning. It makes sense, but most of them try to make it as a beginning of something new in their life. I don't want it to be like this. I want to feel like the things I started last year will actually continue.

This is what I want most for this year... continuity. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, I want to be wiser so I could build on the things I started. Of course, there are some new things that will happen. It's natural, but I don't want the new things that will come to be random, I just want them to have a certain sense, a certain connection with what happened till now.

This year is special... I want it to be special. Not different, not new, not incredible, but special. I want to have special people around me, I want to be special for some of the people I know, I want to live that kind of moments that I will remember gladly after 50 years. I want to continue the special things I started, I want to grow them and make them as good as I can. I want to enjoy every good thing that happens to me, I want to smile more often and more sincerely, I want to have love and friendship in my life.

Till now, I didn't make a wishlist, I didn't set objectives for the next year, but now I feel that I need this things to be happy and have my special year
... discipline in my life...
... CC at IC 2008 in Brazil...
... healthy lifestyle...
... to fall in love and be loved...
... the support of my family...
... travel...
... SMILE... :)