miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2008


Am gasit o definitie pentru un termen care ma bazaie de foarte mult timp... pentru "acasa".

Asadar, acasa reprezinta complexul umano-spatial de care ti-e dor si care iti simte lipsa, unde te poti ascunde si de unde iti vine energia pentru a infrunta lumea de-afara.

Conform acestei definitii, acasa pentru mine e vechiul acasa, casa alor mei cu camera mea obscen de verde si cu oglinzile imense si pe peste tot. Ma duc acasa peste 2 zile! Me happy!

luni, 24 noiembrie 2008

The journey

"The journey is the reward"... That was the motto of NaLDS.

My journey... well, it was full of discoveries... some made me very happy, some made me a bit sad, some surprised me, some didn't make me react at all. My journey is about to finish (at least the phisical one in Germany). But I have to confess that being in Germany was exactly how I dreamt it would be. It gave me the exact feelings I was looking for. And for this I still love Germany. For many others, I don't like it that much.

If I were to put in a few words what I learnt in this journey, I think those words would be: surprise, emotion, naked me, humbleness and hard work.

Maybe I will write more about these things when I will get home (I can't wait for that moment).

Oh... and something important... NaLDS didn't offer me those huge AHA moments, but if the one degree change will happen withe me, it will be due to NaLDS, due to the people I met and the conversation we had.

luni, 3 noiembrie 2008

I changed

"Ce te motiveaza pe tine?"
"Increderea celorlalti in mine."

M-am schimbat. Si azi mi-am dat seama de asta. Faptul ca ceilalti au incredere in mine, ca nu vreau sa ii dezamagesc nu mai este lucrul primar care ma motiveaza. Imi pare totusi rau de cum am aflat asta...
Si in acelasi context, mi-am mai dat seama de unele lucruri:
problema mea de a aproxima distantele nu se refera numai la faptul ca nu pot sa parchez cum trebuie masina ci si la faptul ca nu intrezaresc sfarsitul decat dupa ce am trecut deja de el
inca imi doresc din suflet lucruri pe care acum, aici nu le mai pot avea
revin la complexele de inferioritate din liceu

Si, cu toate astea, ziua de azi a fost minunata pentru ca exista oameni la care tin enorm de mult si am reusit sa le transmit si lor asta.

sâmbătă, 1 noiembrie 2008

The kitchen

I just realised it! It's all about the kitchen! This is what gives me strength and makes me feel comfortable with myself. It motivates me to continue what I started and to experiment new things.

I love my kitchen. It's big, cosy and you can always find mint tea and fruits there. I want to take it with me at Cluj. My kitchen is the place where I fell asleep studying, where I cry everytime something goes wrong, where my father was upset with me for a horrible mark at physics, where I can enoya rainy day with a hot tea or a sunny summer day with watermellon.

I want a kitchen in Cluj! For me, it's more than a room. It's stability, order and memories...

Home, sweet home

I'm home now. Home as in my parents' house. And I love it. It's the first time when I don't want to get back to Cluj. Mainly because being here means I'm in a safe environment where I don't have to do anything that I don't want to (unlike Cluj). You know, today I realised something... that for the past 3 years my rooms' blinds were all the time closed. No sun in the green room... That's so weird! Still, this is not the important thing about home. The important thing is that I found out that this is the palce where I can run away. And I know it's so far from Cluj, but it's the only place where I don't feel guilty for not being what the others expect me to be.

Coming home was also a nice. I skipped LTT team building (I'm kind of sorry for this), but I met my Frencg teacher from highschool - one of my role models. We shared memories, gossips and we agreed that I'm her younger version (all I have to do now is to get a scolarship in France and she'll be really proud of me). Now I'm about to meet a really good friend and I can't wait for it.

I love this place! It's the center of my comfort zone!