marți, 26 octombrie 2010

Pe una din strazile mele

"Ma trezesc luni de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta, merg pe drum, nu vad ca e o groapa si cad in ea.
Ma trezesc marti de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta, merg pe drum, nu vad ca e o groapa si cad in ea.
Ma trezesc miercuri de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta, merg pe drum, vad ca e o groapa si cad in ea.
Ma trezesc joi de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta, merg pe drum, vad ca e o groapa, o ocolesc si imi continui drumul.
Ma trezesc vineri de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta, merg pe drum, ma intalnesc cu un vecin, vorbesc cu el, vad ca e o groapa, o ocolesc si imi continui drumul.
Ma trezesc sambata de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta, merg pe drum, nu-mi dau seama ca groapa e acolo, o ocolesc si imi continui drumul.
Ma trezesc duminica de dimineata, ma imbrac, ies pe usa, inchid poarta si o iau pe alt drum."

Pe strada SBDB e vineri. Timpul e ciudat. Ai spune ca intre miercuri si joi sunt numai cateva ore. Mie mi-a luat 3 ani. Si inca un an sa ajung de joi pana vineri. Sunt curioasa cat o sa mai dureze pana duminica...

duminică, 24 octombrie 2010

My perfect week in Sweden

I wish I could export the movie I have in my mind about my week in Sweden. I wish I could describe every feeling, every moment, every emotion. But I can't. I lost my writing skills long time ago. Still, I feel the need to write about it. To remember it. To treasure it.

It seems like I'm using too big words for a trip . But it was the first time when I took a trip to find an answer to a burning question. And I was lucky enough to find my answer, to feel it and to share it with other people. It didn't take me long to figure out what's the answer, but I was patient and I lived and analyzed every moment so that I am sure that I have the right answer.

My perfect week in Sweden... Why perfect? Because I felt home. Because the colours were simply wonderful. Because the first thing I saw when I woke up was a lovely tree with yellow leafs. Because I laughed, I connected with people, I was true to myself. Because I was at my best. Because I was a good trainer and I challenged the ones around me. Because I felt so proud of being Romanian. Because of a sugarcube. Because I want to go back.

But more than that, I met beautiful individuals. I worked in the best faci team ever. I loved the atmosphere, the duck effect, the hugs, the trust, the challenges. It felt like we've been working together forever.

I loved my perfect week in Sweden. And I love my brand new personal project inspired by my perfect week in Sweden :)

joi, 7 octombrie 2010

Sheer happiness

Sheer happiness... Till now, I believed that sheer happiness means a collection of moments that appear every once in a while. I never thought it could be the background feeling, the one that is always present, no matter what I'm doing, no matter how I'm reacting to different situations, no matter what else is happenning around.

Yesterday I was back in that enironment. I attended Big Build in Beius and together with international volunteers from Northern Ireland I worked on the interior insulation of a 1 room apartment. It was amazing to see around 150 people from Northern Ireland, UK, USA and Romania working hard in order to build 12 homes in 1 week. It was amazing to be part of them and build with them. It was amazing to meet people in their 60s or 70s that volunteer with Habitat for decades. And it was definitely useful to understand how to soundproof a room :)

I love what Habitat offers me. I got to know great persons, meet new friends and see the impact of our activities on the volunteers and the partner families. I was challenegd and I learned so many things related to people, event planning, cultural differences and building houses. Definitely, Habitat is an organization where I belong and for which I will be working in the near future (it may be in Cluj, Bratislava or a country somewhere in Africa or Asia).

Just writing about it and remembering made me feel happy again. wooow!

luni, 4 octombrie 2010

I miss you

I miss some people. The more I travel, the more people I meet, the more I increase my network, the more I miss the ones I truely connected with.

R,A,A,A,H,L,L,L,C,M,S - I miss you a lot!