vineri, 11 iunie 2010

Beautiful day

Some days are sad, some are overwhelming, some are interesting, some are ok and some are simply beautiful. Yesterday was more than happy Thursday, it was beautiful Thursday. The ingredients? A training on leadership with some AHA moments, a late lunch with a person I'm still discovering, a challenging walk on Cetatuie (not all skirts are compatible with the rocks, the steps and the nettles) with a surprising person that shared my passion for NGOs, social entrepreneurship and Buenos Aires and then a walk in the park.

Yesterday was about beauty, about surprising things, about new places in Cluj, about people with whom I have a good time, about new ideas and old dreams. All these made me appreciate my life in Cluj even more and be grateful one more time I decided to stay here and not run away...

Happiness is just around the corner. All I have to do is walk towards it.

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