miercuri, 9 iunie 2010

Really proud of TOASTMASTERS

Yesterday was a bad day. I always have a bad day before an exam if I don't feel prepared. I really didn't feel like going out of my room. I just wanted to sleep the day away (and today as well). But since I had a role in Toastmasters meeting, I had to go. So put I on my favourite skirt and I went. And it was amazing!
By far, it was the best meeting I attended. We had an amazing toastmaster (the host of the meeting) that set the new standard for how a toastmaster should be, really funny topics for table topics session (I was laughing so much I could barely speak) and good speeches. I stayed somewhere in the back, observing everything & everyone. I simply loved what I saw! I'm pretty sure that from now on we'll continue having the same high quality meetings, maybe with even more members.
I'm still smiling & feeling proud of Toastmasters! Definitely, joining it it was one of the best decisions I made this year :)

3 comentarii:

Vlad spunea...

:) aaaand ... how was your exam ?

Silvia spunea...

I hope it was ok. But on the long run, is not the exam that matters, but the skills I develop :)

Vlad spunea...

true :P

poate ne vedem maine seara in Cluj :)