joi, 5 noiembrie 2009

It's the small things that matter

It's been a long time since I wanted to write on my blog, but I didn't know exactly what to write. There's not much going on... It's just me, living a simple life. It's all about me appreciating small things. I think this is the most important thing I've learnt here... 

So, this is what makes me happy now:

The train ride. The snow. Chairing next LCM. The breakfast with Sigita, Monika and Brandy. Talking every night with Laura. Having internet. The chocolate cheese bars. The home baked cookies in the school. The bus on the way back to Siauliai. The book I share with Laura. The plum jam. Corn flakes. Ally McBeal. 3% fat yogurt. Golden boy. The house in the middle of the woods. The lake. The top of the cathedral. Tea in office. Tea everywhere. Hot chocolate. Mushroom biscuits. Sunny boy. NatCo. Staying in Vilnius. MC0910 in Latvia. Jesse challenging me every day.

I'm happy I am grateful for what I have. I'm slowly, but surely growing up :)

3 comentarii:

Roxana spunea...

this sounds so nice... and slowing down is good :) send you a big hug! (mushroom biscuits... OMG- this sounds amazing)

Anonim spunea...

Ok. I agree. But what about your old and once upon a time "forever" friends? :(

Assel spunea...

OMG! I just found out your blog ( actually, thru Roxi's :) (Roxi, I hope you do not mind that I read your thoughts :)
Silvia! Silvina! I am just happy that my MC0910 Latvia is also in the list :) Thank you! I really really appreciate it!
Btw, I am also a big fan of capuccino. and Latte. and your description of Kaunas questioned me: if I still like the Baltics, should I find an internship in Lithuania (read Kaunas :)

Bug hug,
Asselina :)
from a new born into spring 2010 but fuuuuul of snow Riga,Latvia