duminică, 24 octombrie 2010

My perfect week in Sweden

I wish I could export the movie I have in my mind about my week in Sweden. I wish I could describe every feeling, every moment, every emotion. But I can't. I lost my writing skills long time ago. Still, I feel the need to write about it. To remember it. To treasure it.

It seems like I'm using too big words for a trip . But it was the first time when I took a trip to find an answer to a burning question. And I was lucky enough to find my answer, to feel it and to share it with other people. It didn't take me long to figure out what's the answer, but I was patient and I lived and analyzed every moment so that I am sure that I have the right answer.

My perfect week in Sweden... Why perfect? Because I felt home. Because the colours were simply wonderful. Because the first thing I saw when I woke up was a lovely tree with yellow leafs. Because I laughed, I connected with people, I was true to myself. Because I was at my best. Because I was a good trainer and I challenged the ones around me. Because I felt so proud of being Romanian. Because of a sugarcube. Because I want to go back.

But more than that, I met beautiful individuals. I worked in the best faci team ever. I loved the atmosphere, the duck effect, the hugs, the trust, the challenges. It felt like we've been working together forever.

I loved my perfect week in Sweden. And I love my brand new personal project inspired by my perfect week in Sweden :)

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