vineri, 11 ianuarie 2008

random thoughts

About joy

Now I'm going through one of those moments when I'm a spectator and I see what happens around me. It would be so simple if I could remain objective, if I could simply see and not judge... but I don't like simple things. I actually like to complicate my life :) And now, looking around me I see joy. All the people I care about are happy. They are nervous, they dream, they want to achieve things, they enjoy life. I actually see this in every look they have, I see it in their words... And I wish I could be just like that.

I like it when I can observe the good things around me. It makes me a bit nostalgic, it makes me feel a bit old and it makes me wonder a lot. Seeing joy around me and not feeling it is one of the most weird feelings in the world. I wish it could be contagious, but it's not. I just hope I will be able to feel just like them in a few days.

I'm looking forward for next week (hopefully it will be better this one or at least without headaches or putting distance between me and others or feelings of loneliness)

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