marți, 9 martie 2010

Killing drama queen

Thank God I was given a functional brain! Otherwise, I would be stuck forever with my inner drama queen - the most annoying person in my world. It's unbvelievable how a drama queen moment can ruin an entire day or a celebration. So I decided to kill her (I mean me, that part of me). Taking the decision wasn't hard; implementing it, on the other hand... (does this sound familiar?)
First step: figure out when DQ (Drama Queen) is at her best. What she likes, when she likes to appear, her favourite way of acting. Step number two: figure out who can control DQ (the list was pretty surprising). Step number three: figure out what DQ hates (now, that was challenging since most of the things/people that can make DQ disappear are not in my control). Step number four: create a strategy (a really, really simple one that can be easily tracked). Step number five: enjoy the process and the result.
Right now, I have my strategy. It's unbelievably simple. It's called admiting the truth. Simply amazing. Finding the power to tell myself the truth (especially concerning my feelings, fears and expectation) is really working. I had this revelation on Thursday, in Carturesti when I was almost crying for a really stupid reason. And I had it again on Saturday night, when I was crying again for the same really stupid reason. And I had it again on Monday night, when I saw 2 beautiful, weird snowdrops in an abandoned yard (and on Monday I wasn't crying anymore). I know that for some people (actually I hope that for most people) my revelation seems unimportant as they are used to doing it, but for me it's something pretty big. And I'm glad it finally happenned. The benefits are way larger than just killing my inner drama queen.
Actually, I'm not killing her because sometimes her outburts can be funny and entertaining. I'm just killing her when it comes to people and important stuff (on the other hand, I'm really bad with setting priorities and almost everything is important for me)... Drama queen, I'm over you! It's time for a new chapter!

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